From left: Cllr. Cathal Byrne, Betty Kelly Bree Tracks & Trails, Colm Moriarty Archaeologist, Rory O’Mahony Wexford County Council, Shelia Moriarty Bree Tracks & Trails, Madeline Quirke and Michael Delaney Wexford Walking Trails.
The Ballybrittas Dolmen Trail, Bree Hill was officially opened on Sunday 13th August 2023 by Cllr. John O’Rourke, Cathaoirleach of Enniscorthy District. A walk took place at 12:00pm starting from Bree Community Centre to the dolmen where local archaeologist Colm Moriarty spoke about its history and significance.
Bree Community Development Group are delighted to extend Bree Hill Trails to include a spur leading to the Ballybrittas Dolmen. A 45-minute walk over 3km will lead you to the dolmen from the starting point at Bree Community Centre.

The dolmen dates from the neolithic period (4000 – 2500 BC) and is probably Wexford’s oldest standing structure. There are only two known dolmens in the county. This makes the site at Ballybrittas very rare. As such it is under the protection of the National Monuments Act. The Tomb consists of two large portal stones and a backstone that support a substantial roof stone. In addition, the dolmen has two side stones and a sill stone. The latter located at the tomb’s east facing entrance. Together, these elements enclose a small rectangular chamber in which burial remains would have been placed. This form of burial monument is known as a Portal Tomb.

Colm Moriarty Archaeologist speaking at the Portal tomb site.
The trail was funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development under the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) grant and by Wexford County Council.
Bree Hill is a Coillte Forest with three beautiful trails to enjoy in an area that was produced by a volcanic eruption roughly 400 million years ago. There are spectacular views to enjoy including the Blackstairs Mountains and, on a good day, Tuskar Lighthouse which is situated 6 miles southeast of Rosslare Europort. All three trails begin at Bree Community Centre where there is ample free parking. For more information please see click here: Bree Hill Trails Information